Monday, May 10, 2010

Once Upon a Town

Once Upon a Town
by Bob Greene [940.548 Gre]

During World War II, citizens of North Platte met every troop train that came through, offering the servicemen cakes, pies, eggs, bread, fruit, vegetables, etc. This is a just a great feel good book that the city of North Platte and the surrounding area could keep up such spirit for the duration of the war. Best of all, of course, is that North Platte is in our own Nebraska! -- recommended by Rianne S. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[Also available in unabridged audiotape, unabridged book-on-cd formats.]

[ official Once Upon a Town web site ] | [ Wikipedia page for Bob Greene ]

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the most moving and heartwarming story I've ever read about the American spirit and unselfish behavior in times of need and distress. Mr. Greene eloquently depicts the differences between 1940's middle America and the current America so irrevocably changed by the new century. Thank you for the ride in your time machine, Mr. Greene.