Friday, November 22, 2013

President John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963: A Microfilm Documentary

President John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963: A Microfilm Documentary
[Microfilm 364.152 Ken]

This microfilm reel, available for use on the microfilm equipment at the Bennett Martin Public Library downtown, is a unique resource for people interested in the coverage of the John F. Kennedy assassination. This microfilm contains the newspaper coverage of the assassination from the first announcement of its occurance through the public mourning and funeral for the slain president. But it is not the articles as they appeared in Lincoln's local paper -- rather it is a week's worth of in-depth coverage from approximately 20 major newspapers from across the entire United States and even some forgeign papers as well. Anyone who didn't already live through that era, and who is curious about the national mood during such a tragic week, will find a sense of the immediacy of those events in these articles and editorials. From the direct coverage by the Dallas newspapers, to the leading journals from New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and numerous other cities, you will get a good feeling for why everyone who lived through the events of November 22, 1963 is always quick to answer the question, "Where were you when Kennedy was killed?" A fascinating historical research tool! -- recommended by Scott C. - Bennett Martin Public Library

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