Monday, August 3, 2015

Lost in NYC: A Subway Adventure by Nadja Spiegelman and Sergio Garcia Sanchez

Lost in NYC: A Subway Adventure
by Nadja Spiegelman and Sergio Garcia Sanchez [j741.5 Spi]

This amusing and informative youth book passed over the desk in front of me recently and caught my eye, with its visually compelling cover. New York City is one of those metropolises I’ve never visited, but which I would love to see at some point in my life. And one of those New York City experiences I want to have is riding the subway from one part of town to another. In this graphic novel, author Spiegelman and artist Sanchez combine their efforts to tell the story of a grade school class on a field trip from their school, via subway, to visit the Empire State Building. Told from the perspective of new class member Pablo, who’s frustrated at his family having moved for the umpteenth time, and Alicia, the young local girl who tries to befriend Pablo as the field trip begins, this is a short story about cooperation and trust, but it is also a travelogue and history lesson about how and when the New York City subway system was designed and built, and how to navigate its idiosyncracies today. For adults, this is a quick and easy read and a simple introduction to a topic you might be curious about. For kids, this is a painless way to learn something about a fascinating topic, told without being bland or boring. Well done book by the folks at Toon Books. I recommend this one highly!

[ official Lost in NYC web site ]

Recommended by Scott C.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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