Saturday, November 21, 2020

DVD Review: Us

[DVD Us]

Us is a spooky and surreal movie about the consequences of meeting your doppelgänger. At the start of the movie, we see a young girl wander off from her parents while at a fair. She gets lost in a house of mirrors but is later found. That incident changes her in many ways that are not understandable to her parents. They try therapy, dance lessons, and other strategies to get her to express herself more fully. Shortly after this brief introduction and span of her childhood, we meet her as a grown woman taking her family on vacation to the same spot of her childhood troubles. Even though I hate most horror movies, this one worked for me because of its psychological drama and exploration of social issues.

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Parasite, the Academy Award winner directed by Bong Joon Ho, Get Out, the previous film from Jordan Peele, or Sorry to Bother You, directed by Boots Riley.]

Internet Movie Database entry for this film ] | [ official Us movie web site ]

Recommended by Naomi S.
Eiseley Branch Library


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