Sunday, May 17, 2020

New Booklist on BookGuide: Introduction to Parenting

I know I can’t have been the only parent of a newborn who found themselves wondering why the nurses had forgotten to send home the instruction manual with the baby.

I have learned, as most parents do, that such a manual does not exist. That doesn’t mean, though, that there aren’t books to read and listen to that can help make child-rearing seem less mystifying. I had some favorites back in my “new mom” days, and I’ve seen some newer titles that I would consider giving as gifts to new parents today.

This list features some of the tried-and-true titles that are still popular and highly thought of among inexperienced and expert parents alike. I’ve also added some more recent titles that are getting great feedback from today’s baby caregivers.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the issues that come with child rearing, and that’s why it’s good to sample the ideas of more than one author on the subject. By trying some of the classics, and some of the cutting-edge offerings on this list (and beyond), it’s possible to cobble together your own, personal “instruction manual”. This may just save you the headache of searching for the one they always forget to send along when you bring baby home!

— Lisa V. | Loren Corey Eiseley Branch Library | May 2020

Check out Lisa's list of recommended materials at the following link on BookGuide: 

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