Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Recent Reads You Just Couldn't Put Down?

Here's a discussion thread for all the readers who are coming to the new Blogs from our old Book Lovers Discussion Forum.

What have you read recently that you just could put down, and why?

The reasons could be good or bad...the book could've been a white-knuckles thriller or an intensely thought-provoking drama. Let us know what caught your attention!


so many books.... said...

I've really been enjoying Maria V. Snyder's "Yelena" series. I started with "Poison Study", and I'm finishing "Magic Study" now. I'm glad to see, on Ms. Snyder's website, that "Fire Study" will be out next March. The author has posted another installment in the series called "Assassin Study" on her website. It deals with the adventures of Valek while he waits for Yelena to return from her journey to the south.
Another great read (also in the fantasy genre) is "The Lies of Locke Lamorra", by Scott Lynch. Lynch is planning six more volumes in the "Gentleman Bastards" Sequence, and they can't get here soon enough. Book number two, "Red Seas Under Read Skies" is due in July. Yippee.
Here's my favorite blurb for "Locke Lamora"-it describes it perfectly-
Andrew Wheeler, Science Fiction Book Club Senior Editor
"...Scott Lynch's novel oozes charm, ability, guile, flair, courage, cheek, humour, brevity and bravery in equal measure. It's an awesome debut, powerful and dangerous, romantic and relentless and it absolutely lives up to the hype. "The Lies of Locke Lamora" is a novel you'll have to work very hard not to be utterly blown away by."

Anonymous said...

Has Snyder indicated how many volumes she expects the Yelena series to entail, or is it pretty open-ended?

so many books.... said...

As far as I know, she hasn't given a definitive number. She's not calling it a trilogy, so it would seem she'll write more than three books in the series.

so many books.... said...

She doesn't indicate any number of installments in the series on her website. She's not calling it a trilogy, though, so it would seem she'll publish more than three.