Thursday, November 8, 2012

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate
by Alexander McCall-Smith

Isabel Dalhousie lives in Edinburgh Scotland and works as an editor for a philosophy journal. Her niece runs a deli which she asks Isabel to run for her while she is away on holiday in Italy. One day, while chatting to a customer Isabel learns that the man she is talking to has recently had a heart transplant and that he is experiencing memories he does not believe are his. Isabel is so intrigued by this that she sets off to discover who the heart donor was, to the help the man come to an explanation of his strange memories. As in the previous book in the series, she has a habit of getting into other people's business when she really shouldn't. Despite the fact she means well, some readers may find her a bit too nosy, as I did in the first book of the series. The plot moves a bit slowly, but if you want a leisurely mystery with a protagonist who follows her curiosity wherever it may take her -- even past social norms -- then give this a try. -- recommended by Kristen A. - Gere Branch Library [Kristen is the "reviewer of the month" - click here to visit her Reviewer Profile!]

[Also available in book-on-cd, downloadable E-book and Large Print formats.]

[ Publisher's official Friends, Lovers, Chocolate web page ] | [ official Alexander McCall-Smith web site ]

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