Friday, November 9, 2012

New Customer Review - When You Were Mine

When You Were Mine
by Rebecca Serle

Can I just say one thing before I review this? I was never really, truly interested in the big and famous Romeo and Juliet. But after reading this book I'm actually considering to read it....Hah! Gotcha. No way am I reading that. This book made me want to choke the SHIZ out of Juliet. I have never hated a character so much. Right from the beginning when Rose the main character mentioned her, I just wanted to hit something. She's just really mean! I don't care if she's your cousin! You do not, I repeat, NOT, let anyone just steal your boyfriend and be okay with that. I loved Rose but she was a total pushover. She was just too nice. But what got me SUPER mad was that Rob just let Juliet take him and he let her hurt Rose. Shame on him. Despite my anger with this book though, I adored it. It might be hard to imagine with all my criticism with Juliet but it was one of the best books I've ever read. -- review submitted by Vanessa L. - a customer of the Gere Branch Library

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