Sunday, September 2, 2018

Pacific Rim: Uprising (on DVD)

Pacific Rim: Uprising
[DVD Pacific] 

I really liked Pacific Rim 1, so I thought I’d like the sequel and I gave it a try, but I didn’t like it as much as the first. Both films revolve around that fact that kaiju monsters have emerged out of Earth’s surface and as a counter measure humans build giant robots called Jagers to fight them. There is a military branch that operates the Jagers as there is special training needed to control them. This is set something like 10 years after the first movie when they thought they had fought off the kaiju for good, so the military is considering closing down the Jager unit. Before this closure is fully authorized, the kaiju appear once more and the Jager unit proves they are not obsolete after all. This sequel stars the son of the chief Jager officer in the previous movie. This itself is very strange because he was not even mentioned let alone appears in the first movie even though in the second one he says he was part of the Jager program and that’s a pretty major plot point. This is not the only inconsistency between the films; they vary from major to minor but as a whole it was enough to really bother me. I think that it would ok if you hadn’t seen the first movie, because it’s not terrible on its own but when you consider it’s relation to the first one, it is. I can’t recommend it too highly but if you haven’t seen the first one and don’t plan to, then it’s not a bad action monster giant robot fighting movie. However if you have seen the first one, even if it was years ago, I’d have to recommend just re-watching it and skipping this one – it’s not worth the confusion and frustration.

[ Internet Movie Database entry for this film ] | [ official Pacific Rim Facebook page ]

Recommended by Kristen A.
Gere Branch Library

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