Saturday, October 5, 2019

DVD Review: It (Part One)

It (Part One)
based on the novel by Stephen King [DVD It]

It’s the summer of 1989. Bill Denbrough and the rest of the “Losers’ Club” are enjoying their summer, when they start to see strange things happening around town. Outsiders seem to be oblivious and soon children start to disappear — Bill’s younger brother Georgie being one of them. The Losers take it upon themselves to figure out what’s going on, and soon find themselves face to face with a shape-shifter who takes on the shape of a clown named Pennywise. After doing some research they realize this has happened in Derry before, and seems to come back every twenty-seven years. Determined to kill it, they must band together and face their deepest, darkest fears.

The acting in this film is fantastic. Bill Skarsgård has a very different approach than Tim Curry did in the original mini-series, in that he’s less comedic and more childlike, but devilish. I feel that THAT plus the cast of unknown child actors made it feel genuine to the novel.

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try It – The TV mini-series, or, really, any other killer clown movie!] [Also available in traditional print format.]

Recommended by Carrie R.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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