Saturday, November 13, 2010



Moon is a quirky, low-budget science fiction film that played at the Ross locally, and a lot of other "art house" theaters nationally when it was released in 2009. Thought there are brief appearances by other actors, the majority of the screen time is dedicated to Sam Rockwell, as isolated miner Sam Bell, stationed by himself at a base on the Moon, where he uses a lot of automated equipment to mine for an Earthbound corporation. Bell has reached a stage of paranoia and desperation when a horrible accident unveils a disturbing truth about his situation and the truths by which he has lived his life. Kevin Spacey provides excellent support as the voice of Gerty, the moonbase's computer system. However, Sam Rockwell is the centerpiece here, and he turns in a bravura performance. Actually, two bravura performances, but that's giving away some of the secrets of this marvelous little gem of a film. -- recommended by Scott C. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[ Internet Movie Database entry for this film ] | [ official Moon web site ]

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