Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel

by Alyssa B. Sheinmel [YA Sheinmel] 

Maisie Winters is a high-school track star, who is expecting to get a scholarship to the University of her choice. She’s popular and has the boyfriend of her dreams. This all changes when she is involved in a freak accident. While running one morning, a storm suddenly comes up, lightning strikes, and Maisie is caught in an electrical fire. She receives severe burns to her body, and her face is destroyed. Maisie is able to receive a face transplant, which at least gives her a nose, cheeks and a chin, but makes her look like a stranger. Her new face was supposed to give Maisie her life back, but now people treat her differently, and she can’t do the things she used to love, like running. Maisie must figure out her new identity, and what is important to her.

This was a good book about self-discovery. A story about how no one else can truly define you, you have to decide that yourself. The reader feels Maisie’s pain and frustration as people continually tell her how “lucky” she is, and will root for her to fight her way out of her dark time.

This book is a 2017-2018 Golden Sower Nominee.

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try The Running Dream, by Wendelin VanDraanen.]

[ official Faceless page on the official Alyssa Sheinmel web site ]

Recommended by Marie P.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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