Monday, October 21, 2019

Book Review: Thrawn: Treason by Timothy Zahn

Thrawn: Treason
by Timothy Zahn

Thrawn: Treason is the 3rd book in Timothy Zahn’s new “Thrawn” trilogy. The latest story takes place around the same time as season 4 of “Star Wars: Rebels” and finds Thrawn caught up in the political maneuverings of Grand Moff Tarkin and Director Krennic. What starts out as a seemingly routine assignment uncovers a pirate operation tied to an alien race that threatens both the Galactic Empire and the Chiss Ascendency. It’s another very-well written and nicely paced novel that expertly balances plot and character development. It’s undercut by Zahn being unable to wrap the trilogy due to Thrawn’s fate being linked to the finale of “Star Wars: Rebels”. It is still a worthwhile read and ample evidence that Timothy Zahn continues to keep getting better as an author.

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Thrawn, and Thrawn: Alliances, also by Zahn, or Heir to the Empire, also by Timothy Zahn (to compare the “first draft” of Thrawn to the new version).]

[ publisher’s official Thrawn: Treason web page ] | [ Wikipedia page for Timothy Zahn ]

Recommended by Corey G.
Gere Branch Library

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