Saturday, December 31, 2022

DVD Review: When We Were Apollo

When We Were Apollo

(DVD 629.454 Whe)


For anyone interested in the United States history of the Space Race, this documentary is a must-see. As someone who has always been interested in the space program and NASA, I found this film to be a fascinating look at the men and women who made every mission possible. Growing up in the 1960s and watching each mission to the moon and back, it was interesting to me to see old news reels of each event interspersed with clips of major news events that were happening simultaneously with the space program and their effect on each other. I was especially moved by the interviews with men and women who were part of the program to land a man on the moon and hear their memories first-hand. It is important that we should remember the accomplishments of these people at a time when our country was in a technological war with the former Soviet Union in its efforts to get ahead in the space race. We still have many people alive today who can provide first-person accounts of the advancements made in the early years of NASA; now is the time to record those memories for future generations to learn from.


(If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Apollo 13 or Hidden Figures.)


( Internet Movie Database entry for this film ) | ( official When We Were Apollo Twitter feed )


Recommended by Kim J.
Bennett Martin Public Library — Public Service


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