Saturday, January 21, 2023

DVD Review: The Hunt for Red October

The Hunt for Red October
based on the novel by Tom Clancy (DVD Hunt)

Based on the book of the same name written by Tom Clancy, this is a story about a Russian submarine with technology that makes it undetectable on radar. Marko Ramius — played by Sean Connery — is in command of this sub. Ramius kills a political officer on board the ship and replaces the orders from Russia with ones that he had written himself. He claims that they are being told to head to the American coast. Meanwhile, the Americans learn of the existence of this sub, that it’s coming their way and that it’s undetectable, but are told to sink it. Jack Ryan — a CIA analyst played by Alec Baldwin — comes up with a theory that Ramius is not attempting to start a nuclear war, but is instead trying to defect, while handing over the submarine in the process. In order to prove his theory he urges the American commander to make contact with Ramius. They find the ship, communicate through Morse code, and learn that is exactly Ramius’s plan, but then they must come up with a plan of their own to throw Russian intelligence off their scent.


All-in-all it was a well-made movie. Connery was fabulous, Baldwin did well, and it was a thrilling story.


(If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try other Jack Ryan books made into movies – some that we own are The Sum of All Fears, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit or any of the seasons of the Jack Ryan TV series starring Jon Krasinsksi.)


(Also available in traditional print format.)


( Internet Movie Database entry for this film )


Recommended by Carrie R.
Bennett Martin Public Library — Public Service


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