Friday, February 8, 2013

The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel

The Alchemist: A Graphic Novel
by Paulo Coelho, adapted by Derek Ruiz with artwork by Daniel Sampere [741.5 Coe]

This well done graphic novel would be a great read at the start of the New Year. If you have a life dream or a goal for this year, reading this will inspire you. Its wonderful illustrations and text tell the story of a young shepherd with a dream. He bravely chooses to follow his dream to places and situations he didn't expect. Along the way it seems it would have been easier to just stay where he was, as a shepherd, but he does not let his dream fade away. When at last he reaches his destination he comes to a realization more important than what he was after to begin with. I recommend the graphic novel, but there is a traditional novel version of this story by the same author. Regardless of which version you choose, it is a story worth reading, which really, I would recommend to everyone. [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (the non-graphic-novel version).] -- recommended by Kristen A. - Gere Branch Library

[Also available in downloadable E-book and Spanish Language formats.]

[ Publisher's official The Alchemist - Graphic Novel web site ] | [ Official English Language Paulo Coelho web site ]

Previously reviewed in novel format by Patty L. on BookGuide in July 2006
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