Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Customer Review - The Guardians: The Girl

The Guardians: The Girl
by Lola St. Vil [young adult item]

This book is mainly about the gaurdian angels that come down to earth along with the 'bad' angels called Akons. The Akons' leader is Lucy, also known as the devil or Atourum. The guardians' leader is Omnis. Both sides' goal is to find the triplex. The triplex is a package that blends in with its surroundings. If the Akons find it the world will be destroyed; if the guardians find it the world will be saved. Overall, I think this book is really good, 'cause it has lots of action with just the right amount of romance. This book will be really good for fans of Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, the Heroes of Olympus, the Kane Chronicles,and other books similar to these. Since I happened to have read this book on Kindle it does have a few typos and misspellings. -- review submitted by Noha A. - a customer of the Gere Branch Library

[ Not currently owned by the Lincoln City Libraries ]

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