Monday, August 26, 2013

Customer Review - Queenie Peavy

Queenie Peavy
by Robert Burch [j Burch]

When we first meet Queenie Peavy, we learn that she's the only girl in Cotton Junction who could chew and spit tobacco. That however isn't what lands Queenie in the principal's office in the first chapter. Rather, her action of throwing rocks at the boiler room door does. If you expect Queenie to feel fear or remorse at being in trouble, she acts just the opposite. She boasts of her deadly aim. And when Mr. Handley recites a long list of misdemeanors, Queenie simply informs him that he's left out a few. Until she's told that the judge wants to see her, nothing fazes Queenie. Yet deep inside exists another side to Queenie, one that is sorry that Queenie told the principal that she didn't care what happened to her. The problem is that Queenie has said "I don't care" for so long that now sometimes she actually believed it. We soon learn other harsh realities about Queenie, such as that she doesn't seem to feel bad for throwing rocks at kids who tease her or killing a squirrel for food. Life might have continued like this for Queenie if not for two incidents. One happens when she hurts a student in an act of revenge. The other happens when she's accused of breaking the window in the church bell tower. Both of these land her one step closer to jail or towards following in her other's footsteps, which Queenie initially thinks just might be fine by her. Except then her dad is released from jail, allowing Queenie to see an unexpected side to her dad. Then Queenie faces choices about who she will become. In Queenie Peavy, Robert Burch has created a troublemaker whom we grow to love despite Queenie's penchant for making bad choices. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. - a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library

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