Monday, February 23, 2015

Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen

Evil Librarian
by Michelle Knudsen [YA Knudsen]

I'll admit, I checked this book out purely because of the title. I had no idea what it was going to be about. I was pleased when I realized it was a YA book, as I really tend to enjoy a lot of things I read in this genre. This is the story of a girl whose high school is gradually being taken over by demons. Not only that, but her best friend is deeply smitten with the main demon, the new school librarian. The book reminds me a little of the Twilight series, but honestly, the writing is so much better. There are some scary parts, and the language gets a bit rough, but for the most part, this story is cute and funny. I really enjoyed this one a lot. And it sort of seems to have set the stage for potential sequels. I'll keep an eye on this author! -- recommended by Tracy T. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try An Absence of Light by Meradeth Houston or Nolander by Becca Mills.]

[ official Michelle Knudsen web site ]

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