Monday, July 27, 2015

Brief Encounter: Conversations, Magic Moments and Assorted Hijinks by Dick Cavett (on CD)

Brief Encounters: Conversations, Magic Moments and Assorted Hijinks
by Dick Cavett [Compact Disc Biography Cavett]

This is the latest collection of New York Times essays by Dick Cavett, one of Lincoln, Nebraska’s more famous sons. As with Talk Show before, Cavett spends some of his time here reminiscing about the guests he’s had on his 1970s-1980s talk show, The Dick Cavett Show, and his own experiences as a comedy writer for such other talk show luminaries as Johnny Carson and Jack Paar. Cavett, an uncompromising Liberal, also uses several of his columns to wax philosophical on causes near and dear to his heart, including sexuality and gun control. But, it is the essays in which he talks about the people who’ve meant a great deal to him over the past 70+ years that really “made” this collection for me. His memories of interacting with Groucho Marx near the end of his life, or of visiting Stan Laurel in Laurel’s small Santa Monica apartment, or recollecting the brilliance of Jonathan Winters after that comic actor’s passing — these are all touching and inspiring, and remind us of what an incredible life this funny and brilliant kid from the Capital City has had, and the fascinating personalities he’s had the chance to meet. I enjoyed this title as an audiobook-on-cd, which Cavett himself narrates. I highly recommend it in audiobook format!

[If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Talk Show also by Cavett.]
[ official Dick Cavett index on the New York Times web site ]

Recommended by Scott C.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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