Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Planetfall by Emma Newman

by Emma Newman

I recently read this 2015 science fiction novel for my science fiction club’s monthly “book discussion” gathering, and have mixed feelings about it. Newman creates an intriguing near-future science fiction setting for her cast of characters, which is comprised of the surviving members of a deep-space colonization crew. The storyline takes place a few decades after their arrival on a distant planet, which their leader was “called to” because of a transcendental experience. The central character — Ren — is a troubled individual nearing a psychological snapping point — she is having to help maintain a secret from the rest of her colony, that eats away at her.

When a stranger arrives at the outside of their colony borders — an apparent descendant of a survivor from part of their original group, who had all been believed dead — Ren’s world begins to unravel. This novel is well written, and Ren is a fascinating, though flawed, narrator. My only complaint is about the ending, which feels rushed and seems deeply flawed. If it hadn’t been for that drawback, I’d have given this one a “9” rating, but the end of the book slides that down to a 7 for me. None-the-less, it is well written enough, and features intriguing enough characters, that I do still recommend it!

[ official Emma Newman web site ]

Recommended by Scott C.
Bennett Martin Public Library

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