Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Booklist - The John H. Ames Reading Series - First 200

The John H. Ames Reading Series, a service of the Jane Pope Geske Heritage Room of Nebraska Authors, is celebrating not only its 25th year, but will soon play host to its 200th reading by a Nebraska author. (click the above link to see the Fall/Winter 2011 schedule)

To celebrate, we've compiled a handout/booklist that lists all of the first 200 readings that have taken place as part of the series. That booklist is now available in electronic form on the libraries' BookGuide readers tools site -- The John H. Ames Reading Series - First 200 (a PDF document).

Most of these readings have been filmed over the years, and are available for those who are interested - they can be viewed in the Heritage Room, or (in many cases) can be checked out for home viewing.

These readings are an invaluable resource for research about local authors, and can be fun to watch for fans of the specific writers, editors and poets that are featured.

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