Monday, November 7, 2011

New Customer Review - Emily of New Moon

Emily of New Moon
by Lucy Maud Montgomery [j]

"Do you know that your pa has only a week or two more to live?" These words of Ellen greet Emily upon her return from her glorious walk. When he dies, Ellen still doesn't offer Emily comfort. She informs Emily that her relatives are coming to the house to decide who will raise her. Emily expresses the wish that her relatives will love her. Ellen denies her even this hope, advising Emily that people don't love strange children. The rest of the book is about her life with the relatives who drew the winning straw to take in Emily. Although I love Anne of Green Gables, Emily of New Moon is my favorite creation of Lucy Maud Montgomery. Both girls are imaginative, outspoken, and passionate. Yet unlike Anne, Emily is more introverted with darker moods and less social grace. Perhaps for these reasons, Emily is often rejected for her differences, rather than embraced and loved like Anne. Therefore, I feel more akin to Emily. -- review submitted by Allison H.-F. - a customer of the Bennett Martin Public Library

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