Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Passage of Power

The Passage of Power
by Robert Caro [Biography Johnson]

It is hard to imagine a biography more in depth than Robert A. Caro's writings on Lyndon Baines Johnson. The Passage of Power is the fourth of a five volume set running thousands of pages long. Caro begins in 1958 with Johnson still the "master of the senate", one of the most powerful majority leaders in Senate history. With the 1960 election looming, Johnson sought the Presidency but his fear of failure and indecision on running allowed a young freshman Senator named John Kennedy to take the nomination. The book chronicles Johnson's fall from the most powerful senator to a virtually powerless vice president. One of the most fascinating aspects of the book is the genuine hatred felt between Robert Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. The balance of power would change on November 22nd, 1963, when JFK was assassinated in Dallas. Johnson instantly regained his authority and leadership when he was sworn in as the new President. Caro's books are fascinating studies of how politicians use power. The book paints a picture of not only Johnson, but the entire political landscape of America during the period of 1958-1964 and is highly recommended for anyone interested in historical biographies. -- recommended by Michael E. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[Also available in book-on-cd and downloadable E-book formats.]

[ official Robert Caro web site ]

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