Monday, February 10, 2014

Unlikely Friendships

Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories From the Animal Kingdom
by Jennifer S. Holland [591.5 Hol]

I've enjoyed seeing posts in my Facebook and Twitter feeds, which shine a light on unusual and uplifting animal relationships, so I was quite please to find this book in the libraries' collection. Unlikely Friendships presents 47 short narratives, with incredible photographs to accompany them, which detail heartwarming and unexpected relationships between two different animals of two different species. You may think that the interactions between your household pets -- a dog and a cat, a cat and a hamster, etc. -- are cute. But you'll be astonished at the interspecies affection displayed by some of the pairings in this collection. Some of the stories have very short lives -- an orphaned infant of one species mothered by their potential enemy for the first few weeks of life. Others detail life-long relationships. But all will pluck at your heartstrings. Some of my favorite pairings include: The Elephant and the Sheep, The (wild) Leopard and the Cow, The Lion The Tiger and the Bear, The Nearsighted Deer and the Poodle, The Owl and the Spaniel, and The Rhinoceros the Warthog and the Hyena. -- recommended by Scott C. - Bennett Martin Public Library [If you enjoy this, you may also wish to try Unlikely Loves, the sequel by the same author.]

[ publisher's official Jennifer Holland web page ]

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