Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Husband

The Husband
by Dean Koontz

"We have your wife. You can get her back for $2M cash. You've got until midnight Wednesday." "This is nuts. I'm a gardener. I've got maybe $11K in the bank." "Just so you know we're serious...see that guy across the street?" Still holding the phone to his ear, Mitch turned away, saw a man walking a dog...Rifle fire shattered the stillness, and the dogwalker went down, shot in the head." So begins a good ol' suspense story, not the standard supernatural tale one has come to expect from Dean Koontz. This is more like a Hitchcock story of an everyman caught up in an unbelievable and terrifying event. Aside from Mitch trying to come up with the funds to rescue his beloved wife, he's also trying to figure out why they were targeted. Halfway through the book we learn the stunning whys, and follow Mitch as he takes control of their destinies, including evading the police and a frantic car chase that has you on the edge of your seat. -- recommended by Charlotte K. - Bennett Martin Public Library

[Also available in book-on-cd and Large Print formats.]

[ official The Husband page on the official Dean Koontz web site ]

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